Supported Functions

Supported Functions

Supported functions

The next are the current supported set:

  1. where(bool, number1, number2): number – number1 if the bool condition is true, number2 otherwise.
  2. {sin,cos,tan}(float|complex): float|complex – trigonometric sine, cosine or tangent.
  3. arcsin,arccos,arctan}(float|complex): float|complex – trigonometric inverse sine, cosine or tangent.
  4. arctan2(float1, float2): float – trigonometric inverse tangent of float1/float2.
  5. {sinh,cosh,tanh}(float|complex): float|complex – hyperbolic sine, cosine or tangent.
  6. {arcsinh,arccosh,arctanh}(float|complex): float|complex – hyperbolic inverse sine, cosine or tangent.
  7. {log,log10,log1p}(float|complex): float|complex – natural, base-10 and log(1+x) logarithms.
  8. {exp,expm1}(float|complex): float|complex – exponential and exponential minus one.
  9. sqrt(float|complex): float|complex – square root.
  10. abs(float|complex): float|complex – absolute value.
  11. conj(complex): complex – conjugate value.
  12. {real,imag}(complex): float – real or imaginary part of complex.
  13. complex(float, float): complex – complex from real and imaginary parts.
  14. contains(np.str, np.str): bool – returns True for every string in op1 that contains op2 .

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