To compare test data:
1. In the left pane, click Data Analysis icon.
2. From the Project List, select a project.
3. On the Data Analysis tab, click Add Analysis. Select Compare Group.
4. Enter a name for the Compare Group.
5. Under Set 1, Select Parameter from the drop-down list. Once added, the added Parameter will be visible on the left side of the Set 1 drop-down list. You can add up to 4 parameters under any Set. It is recommended to add parameters from the proto vehicle dataset under Set 1.
6. To add files from the Benchmark, select Add Set to add another set (Set 2) to the Compare Group. By default, all parameters selected under Set 1 shall be added to Set 2. You can edit these and select other desired parameters under Set 2. You can add up to 4 Sets at a time. This allows you to compare data from 4 sets of files with each other.
Note: Make sure that the first row of parameters corresponds to the same physical quantity being measured, irrespective of the parameter nomenclature used to denote it under the various file sets.
For example, if the Prototype dataset denotes Engine RPM by the name ‘EngineRPM’ and the Benchmark dataset denotes Engine RPM by the name ‘EngineSpeed’, ensure that the first row of Set 1 refers to ‘EngineRPM’ and the first row of Set 2 refers to ‘EngineSpeed’. This allows you to compare equivalent quantities with each other. The above applies to the rest of Sets as well.
7. Once you have added the desired number of Sets and selected the desired parameters, click Save Changes.
8. Under Cycles, click Add Files. Under the Set 1 tab, select the files corresponding to Set 1. Under Set 2 tab, select files corresponding to Set 2.
9. Once file(s) are selected, StellarAi generates a comparative visualization of the same. By default, a ‘Compare by Parameter’ visualization is generated. ‘Compare by Parameter’ shows one plot for each row of parameters. This plot has one ‘Y’ axis, one ‘X’ axis and shows 2 or more lines visualizing parameters from each Set. The number of lines in each graph will correspond to the number of Sets added to the Compare Group.
The following figure shows an example of plots generated where the User has configured two Sets in the Compare Group, with 4 parameters in each Set. Legend for the 4 plots is displayed at the bottom.